April 2, 2012

It's a good day!

After such a wonderful conference weekend, getting out of bed and going to class this morning was the very last thing I wanted to do. I wanted to stay in bed and snuggle... All. Day. Long. Once I got up, I just felt like I was dragging. I know, I know, it usually takes me a while to completely wake up anyway, but it just wasn't happening today. Class seemed to last forever. Luckily, I have a three hour break between my class and work, so I went home to try and take a nap. I didn't sleep, but laying in bed was exactly what the doctor ordered (and by doctor, I mean me)... I took some photos to help narrate my day for you. This is what my day has looked like so far (please excuse the crappy cell phone pictures):

I woke up, and instantly felt like I needed some luck to turn this day around... 

So, I had Lucky Charms (they really are magically delicious) for breakfast.

Then, I was on my way to wait for the bus to go to class, and I decided to check the mail, and this is what I found...
 A much needed check! Whew, we can afford to eat.

After class, I was still feeling SO sleepy, so what do I do? Oh of course...

I put on husband's sweats... and get back in bed!

I figured I should probably have some lunch, and was surprised with a visit from the one and only...

Mrs. Butterworth! How could I get so lucky?
I actually forgot that we had waffles in the freezer (even though we brought them home last night... thanks Mom!), so when I saw them I was so excited!

Okay, so looking back, my story really wasn't all that exciting, BUT, it made me happy, and it felt like my day was just completely turned around (in a good way)! 

Things like this make me realized how blessed I am. Not because I have waffles in the freezer, or because I have Lucky Charms for breakfast, but just when I can feel so happy from so many simple things in life.

What has helped you to recover from a case of the Monday blues?

1 comment:

his little lady said...

oh gosh, finding lost waffles are the best. YUM!!!! especially with mrs. butter-worth's ;)
xo TJ