April 30, 2012

A Monday Happy List

So, I know that it is Finals Week, and that I should be in a dazed state from too much studying like all of the other college people out there, but I'm not. Why? Because I only have one final paper that I need to write by Wednesday. Which, my whole college career has been preparing me to write papers, so I can (hopefully) bust this sucker pretty quickly...

Anyway, since I'm feeling good at the start of this Finals Week, I just thought that I would bring back the Monday Happy List! It's actually Monday too, so that's a good sign.

Things that are making me happy today...

  • Textbook Buyback -- We now have a little bit of money for groceries!
  • Graduation -- I can't believe I'm actually graduating on SATURDAY!
  • Tyler -- I know, that one pretty much goes without saying... but I just had to mention it.
  • Work -- I'm so blessed to have a wonderful job!
  • The opportunity I have had to get a college education!
  • The PB&J that is sitting in my backpack.
  • My nephews! They are so cute, and make me feel loved whenever I see them or talk to them.

Why are you happy today?

April 27, 2012

Okay, I'll write some little letters.

Since I turned in my portfolios yesterday, and can't decide which criminological theory I want to write my last paper ever about, I guess I'll write some little letters, since it is Friday and all.

Dear Running, I think we are just not meant to be together. You see, this time around with training, I learned that I need to push myself in order to get anywhere. Just as I was getting a good routine built up, you hurt me. I could hardly walk the next morning. Now, even if I try and run at all, it feels like my legs are broken... what the heck? Why can't we just be happy together? Please get back to me on this. Sincerely, the girl who was (apparently) trying hard to work on our relationship...

Dear Legs, I wish I knew how to make you feel better. I do know that running is not the fix though. Thanks for your hard work! Get well soon. Love, the rest of the body.

Dear Graduation, Please hurry up! You are only one week away, but that still feels like forever right now. Plus, I can't wait to wear this cool outfit: [The picture won't upload from phone. Coming soon!]                                      Love, the girl in the picture

Dear JC Penny, I was really excited when I found the perfect skirt and shirt to wear to graduation. I was able to buy the skirt in the store, BUT I had to order the top online... So I did it. You sent me an e-mail a week ago saying that my shirt had shipped, but just last night when Tyler checked our bank account it said that you gave us our money back and that the shirt had been returned. Why?!? I was going to order it again, but the color I wanted "was not available." Dang it. Sincerely, A slightly disappointed girl.

Dear Tyler, Thank you for being awesome. Especially when you spontaneously break out into a dance for me, or when you do funny things while you're watching TV (like brush your hair over, or pop your collar and button up the buttons all the way), or even when you come and cuddle me in the mornings when I'm cold and I don't even have to ask. You just are the best. Love, your sweetie.

April 26, 2012

This week...

I'm sorry for the lack of posting this week. This is my second-to-last week of school EVER, but really I'm pretty much done after tomorrow. With the exception of one paper that is due next week. But that is the only thing that I have to do for finals week. After that paper is done? Well, I'll be (hopefully) deep cleaning my apartment, because we all know that it needs it, badly.

Anyway. I meant to blog earlier, but I just wanted to brag about my wonderful Monday night with my wonderful husband. What did we do? Well, we ate a delicious dinner (Chicken Parmesan) and then we did this for a little while:

Yep, we played Super Mario Bros. Wii! It was really really fun, and we beat it again on Tuesday night for the second time! We're just cool like that.

Let me know if you want to come play Mario with me sometime, I'm always game!

I better get back to work... I have 3 portfolios that I need to finish up today... Oh boy life is awesome!

What do you like to do for fun?

April 20, 2012

We did it again!

Remember that time I told you about the perfect night when Tyler and I watched a movie on our bed and had popcorn? Well, we did it again, and THIS TIME I remembered to take pictures of our setup. Take a look:

Perfect end to any day! 

Happy Friday! Any fun plans for this weekend? 

P.S. Happy birthday Mom! I hope you are having a wonderful birthday at Sea World!

April 19, 2012

Born To Run...

A couple of nights ago, I finished this book:

Which was incredible. It actually made me want to run more, and when I was reading it, it was like a million little light bulbs were going off all at once. It made me want to try new things, like barefoot running. Not that I ever will, but it made me think.

If you are interested in running, or are looking for some running inspiration, I would definitely pick up this book. And don't give up after trying to read it after just a couple of minutes.

I was born to run...even though I don't really like it all that much... oops.

April 18, 2012

Do you know the mustache man?

Because I do.

And I must say, I really like him.

The mustache made its debut Easter weekend, and only lasted a few days. It definitely made me laugh, and I must admit, sometimes I miss it just a little bit. And by little bit, I mean just a teeny tiny bit, just because Tyler was funny with it (he's funny without too, but a mustache makes things even funnier).

What has made you laugh lately?

I have a whole list...

April 14, 2012

April 13, 2012

Little Letters make a comeback!

Well, it is Friday, and after missing quite a few weeks of my little letters, I have decided to bring them back. Hopefully they will make an appearance next week too, but if not, whatever... I hope you guys will still love me anyway.

Dear School, In three weeks I will be done with you. DONE! Am I sad? Not at all. However, I would just like to say thank you for all that you have taught me, and will always look back on our time together with the fondest of memories. Sincerely, A senior who is beyond-ready to graduate.

Dear Easter Bunny(s), This year, there were 3 of you! Holy cow! I don't think Easter could have been any better this year! Thanks for the Easter candy. You sure know how to make me do a happy dance! Love, the girl who is 5 years old at heart.

Dear Popcorn, Last night you were the best batch ever. Seriously though...Not too much butter, and not too salty, but just perfect. Let's meet again soon? Okay. Love, a girl who loves a good snack. P.S. Tyler couldn't keep his hand out of the bowl long enough for my phone to take a picture... see?

 (In all fairness to Tyler, I never asked him to keep his hand out of the bowl for a picture...)

Dear Running, You haven't actually been too mean to me the past couple of days... if you keep this up, we might actually be able to become friends! Thanks for that. Sincerely, the girl trying to train for a half marathon and only has two more months to go from 2 miles to 13.1 miles... oops.

Dear Nike Sportband, You were an excellent Christmas gift. Running with you gives me some motivation to reach my goals. And I feel like I have to go for runs so that I don't feel like my Christmas present is just sitting around...but either way, you get me to run, and it is good for me. Sincerely, the clock-watcher...  or more like the girl who looks at her sportband every 20 seconds to see if she has enough mileage yet.

Dear Self, You CAN make it to graduation. You CAN train for this half, and no, you CANNOT have ice cream tonight. Try a little bit of Easter candy and a smoothie instead. Love, Self.

Dear Readers, If there was one little letter that you wanted to write right now who would it be to, and what would it say? Love, Katie.

Dear Tyler, Thanks for being mean and making me stick to my training schedule for two whole days in a row. I know I'm a pain in the butt when it comes to making me do things that I don't want to do. Sorry. Also, I'm sorry if I'm supposed to be picking you up from class right now. We never talked about it, so I'm assuming no? One more thing... thank you for just always being there for me. You are the best husband that I could ever ask for! Love, Sweetie.

April 11, 2012

Easter and some other things...

As I mentioned yesterday, we were visiting family for the Easter weekend! I don't know about Tyler, but I had a fabulous time! It was great to spend such a fun holiday with my nephews and to see how excited they were to find the Easter eggs that had been hidden. It reminded me of how magical holidays always were when I was little!

On Sunday, there was a surprise birthday party for my Mom! This year is her, um...29th birthday (again)! Something that should be celebrated, right? I always love being able to spend time with my family, and we were able to enjoy some gorgeous weather too!

Unfortunately, all good weekends have to come to an end, and we have to go back to school... Monday night was just the perfect night at home that I needed. You see, we took Tyler's computer into our room and set it on our headboard, put pillows at the foot of our bed, and ate popcorn while watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows PART 2! Oh how I love that movie! Anyways, it was just perfect. When I get home from work, I will re-create the setup, take a picture, and put it on here. Because it was just. that. awesome!

Tuesday was really a great day too! First of all, I cleaned our apartment!!! You guys don't even realize how big of an accomplishment this is. It is amazing to walk into a clean apartment, or even better...a clean bathroom! A clean apartment really can change your mood for the better!

The thing that I'm probably MOST excited about though... we got new pillows yesterday! I must say, it is really nice to have a pillow with some substance again...

Anyway, now that you know what I'm excited about from this week, I'll go now. Hopefully next time I post it will be soon and with a fun little story for you!

What are you excited about this week?

April 10, 2012

Rambling... and an award?

What's up, blog friends? We're still alive around here! Spending most of our weekends in the car these days... at least that's what it seems like. I think we just finished up our sixth weekend in a row of going to see family. SIX WEEKENDS! Holy cow... don't worry though, as of right now we will get to stay in our little Logan-town for this whole entire weekend! What? Our apartment will actually get cleaned? It must be a miracle!

So why do we go home so much? Well... the past six weeks were for these reasons: Snowboarding, Spring Break, the 1st Annual Utah Rugby 5k (that I just had to do), General Conference, and finally Easter! Our lives are pretty exciting, I know.

Staying home for the weekend isn't the only thing I'm excited about right now... the beautiful Emily over at Dirt Bikes & Diamonds nominated me for this:

The Versatile Blogger Award!

Another miracle, right? So, here's how it works...

Each Nominee Should:
  1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
  2. Add an image of the Versatile Blogger Award
  3. Thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link to their site
  4. Share seven completely random facts about yourself
  5. Include this set of rules
  6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination

I nominate:
  1. Kjarinda at At this Moment
  2. Madeline at P.S. My Name is Madeline
  3. Kenzi at Love Me Some Lemons 
  4. Brynne at Unwritten 
Um.... the rest are coming soon... Let me know if you want to be nominated. :)

Seven Random Facts about me:
  1. I hardly ever wear makeup. As in, I'm lucky if I manage to do it once a week. Once every two weeks is even an accomplishment for me...
  2. I had cold cereal for breakfast and lunch yesterday. Gotta have my Pops!
  3. Tyler and I were married for almost a year before I started driving the car... driving a manual around a town that has hills everywhere was really scary. Don't worry, I'm the best driver ever now.
  4. Putting on sweats is one of the very first things I do when I get home from work or school every day.
  5. I love going to the dentist.
  6. Speaking of teeth... I still wear my retainers every night.
  7. I was going to do a "no-treat" April and I didn't even last through the first day. (Now April is just a "cut back on sweets" month... kind of...
Okay, so that was pretty fun. I really should find more blog friends to nominate. Thanks for reading! And... another thanks to Emily for the nomination!

April 2, 2012


I saw this tonight, and it really made me stop and think about the kind of person I am, and who I want to be. I have some ideas, and I'm working on it... I just am lacking some serious motivation.

Do you have any tips on how to get/stay motivated? I would LOVE to hear them!

It's a good day!

After such a wonderful conference weekend, getting out of bed and going to class this morning was the very last thing I wanted to do. I wanted to stay in bed and snuggle... All. Day. Long. Once I got up, I just felt like I was dragging. I know, I know, it usually takes me a while to completely wake up anyway, but it just wasn't happening today. Class seemed to last forever. Luckily, I have a three hour break between my class and work, so I went home to try and take a nap. I didn't sleep, but laying in bed was exactly what the doctor ordered (and by doctor, I mean me)... I took some photos to help narrate my day for you. This is what my day has looked like so far (please excuse the crappy cell phone pictures):

I woke up, and instantly felt like I needed some luck to turn this day around... 

So, I had Lucky Charms (they really are magically delicious) for breakfast.

Then, I was on my way to wait for the bus to go to class, and I decided to check the mail, and this is what I found...
 A much needed check! Whew, we can afford to eat.

After class, I was still feeling SO sleepy, so what do I do? Oh of course...

I put on husband's sweats... and get back in bed!

I figured I should probably have some lunch, and was surprised with a visit from the one and only...

Mrs. Butterworth! How could I get so lucky?
I actually forgot that we had waffles in the freezer (even though we brought them home last night... thanks Mom!), so when I saw them I was so excited!

Okay, so looking back, my story really wasn't all that exciting, BUT, it made me happy, and it felt like my day was just completely turned around (in a good way)! 

Things like this make me realized how blessed I am. Not because I have waffles in the freezer, or because I have Lucky Charms for breakfast, but just when I can feel so happy from so many simple things in life.

What has helped you to recover from a case of the Monday blues?