May 2, 2011


I'm really glad posting every day lasted so long. I really am sorry. I lost all of my motivation to blog. I don't know what happened either, because I was having fun blogging all the time. Then the feeling was just gone. The past week has been pretty fun though! Not looking forward to this week as much... Finals week sucks. However, I think I've got it pretty good -- I only have one final on Thursday and it isn't even comprehensive. I really am just nervous for my husband, the man has a final for his genetics class on Wednesday, and then an organic chemistry final on Friday. Ick.

I'm going to do my best to start posting something everyday again. Just for you.

The weather is finally starting to look better! Yay! I am significantly happier when it is warm and sunny outside. Logan definitely would not be a good place for me to stay for the rest of my life. I just have to keep telling myself that we're only here for two more years. I just hope they go by fast (in two years I will probably regret saying that).

Sorry about all of the rambling. I'm just pretty bored, and these are things that I've been thinking about lately. I've got a good story to tell you later.

Happy Monday!

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