Over the last month, I have had no desire to blog...at all. I just haven't felt like there has been much to say, at all. So, to return from my month-long vacation, I have decided to bring in some little letters!
Dear School/Internships, I would really really love it if I could get everything settled... It is my last semester of college, and I don't have the energy to not have this work out. Seriously though, lets just get this paperwork signed already. Sincerely, the girl who is sick of school.
Dear Christmas Break, Please come back! While it was an exhausting couple of weeks that included A LOT of driving between Bountiful and Sandy, it was fabulous! I'm always on-board with spending lots of time with family. Love, the girl who will never have a "Christmas Break" from school ever again, but mostly just loves being around family and friends.
Dear Criminology textbook, I really would like to read you, really. I have the best intentions, but every time I pick you up, I will read a page or two, and not remember ANYTHING that I have read. I'll keep trying. Thanks for being the rock in this relationship... Sincerely, I'm bored.
Dear Weather, What the heck?! You are confusing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the biggest lover of snow, I'm just confused. I hope this doesn't mean I'll have snow on my birthday in July. That would be weird. Also, you are making it tricky to train for the Utah Valley Half Marathon. Yep. You are too unpredictable. Just when I start thinking "Sure, I'll go for a run tomorrow..." you surprise me with snow the next morning. I guess that is a valid excuse to get out of my run...thanks for that. Love, the girl who should be training but keeps finding excuses.
Dear Christmas Presents, You are wonderful. The Wii from my parents has been AWESOME, there's nothing quite like watching over 120 episodes of How I Met Your Mother in just a couple of weeks, and beating Super Mario Bros. Wii since we've been back at school has been wonderful too... oops. Also, the trip to Maui from Tyler's parents has given me a vacation to look forward to. Thank you. Love, the girl who is excited to finally play Dr. Mario in Logan.
Dear Parents on Both Sides, Thank you for everything that you do for Tyler and me. We really appreciate it, and are so grateful that we have parents who care as much as you do. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend! Love, Katie
Dear Tyler, I am excited to go to the Jazz game with you on Saturday night! You are the best husband I could ever ask for! You do the dishes, you play Mario with me, and you keep me warm at night, even though I have more blankets on top of me than you do. You're amazing, and I love you. Love, your Sweetie.
i'm so glad you wrote again!
Cute letters. :) Maybe you could just write a letter to me one day?? So two things. 1) We will be graduated in May!! and 2) Maybe, just maybe, we will run together for the Utah Valley Half Marathon....depends on my motivation ;)
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