November 26, 2013


So, the other night Tyler and I were watching the American Music Awards. I wanted to see what crazy thing Miley was going to do... I thought she sounded awful. And the giant cat that cried diamonds? WEIRD. ANYWAY... Tyler and I started talking in hashtags (because Tyler saw a hashtag on the screen). If you want to know how these conversations worked, watch the Jimmy Fallon video below. Or watch it just because it's really funny.

A sample conversation from bed last night...
K: hashtagIwantchipsandsalsa
T: hashtagweonlyhavehotsalsa
K: hashtagIhavemildatwork
T: hashtagIlikecheesewithmychips
T: hashtaglikechipsandcheese
K: hashtagbeandipsoundsgood
T: hashtagdoritos
K: hadhtagbeandipondoritos?
T: hashtagOMNOM!

Okay, so writing that out makes it sound really dumb... But we had fun. 

What was your last hashtag?


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