August 11, 2013

Oh hey!

Oh, hey there! Remember me? I've been thinking about you lots lately. Time has just flown by at warp speed! Here are a few things that have happened since I last posted in January:

Tyler got into the UofU Physical Therapy Program
Tyler graduated from USU
We moved to Bountiful
I started going to Crossfit
I have been training for the Top of Utah half marathon (kind of)
We celebrated our 3rd anniversary
Tyler turned 25
I turned 23
Tyler finished his first semester of PT school

Needless to say, we have been pretty busy lately. We are so blessed to have many amazing opportunities. Anyway, to break back into the blogging world I will leave you with pictures of our new(ish) apartment, and other fun pictures I have on my phone. 

(I'm on my phone and can't tell if this picture is get the general idea though)

Other fun things we've been doing:

Eating shave ice!

Classing up our apartment with Duck Dynasty posters...

Getting new shoes...


...and just enjoying our time together! 

I'm really going to try and blog again soon, I've missed you!

What have you been doing lately? Let's catch up!

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